Sunday, September 1, 2019

Self-Assessment Marybeth Adkins

I have always thought of myself to be outgoing. I have equal regard for the value of others as well as how I value myself. I also believe that I am assertive in a manner wherein I am able to handle the situation effectively and to produce the best possible outcome given the circumstances present.I uphold my rights as well as the rights of others. It does not necessarily mean I need to win all the time, but it has always been important to be to do my best.I had perceived my communication style to be effective in terms of being an active listener. I have limitations and expectations that I always want to clearly state. I am able to express myself with an acceptable degree of honesty and directness, especially when it comes to my feelings and desires.The characteristics I always knew I had were confidence and self-awareness. I am also proactive and initiating as well as decisive.   I knew that I had a sense of humor and that I was open and flexible as well as versatile.In terms of beh avior, I operated from choice. I also find comfort in knowing what was required and developing a plan to achieve it. This showed that my behavior was action-oriented as well as firm. Just like the way I want to create plans, I am also realistic, just and fair, along with being consistent in the things I do.  I had been evaluated to be an extraverted, intuitive, feeling and judging type (ENFJ) that showed I was a moderately expressed extravert, a slight expressed intuitive personality, a distinctly expressed feeling personality as well as a moderately expressed judging personality. I was evaluated to be a feeling personality, more than the rest.This is Expected of meIn this area, my response was evaluated according to how I thought people expected me to behave. It represented the guarded or masked behavior that I had. I was an â€Å"S† which meant I was a steady specialist. This meant that I had a passive and people-oriented temperament.The â€Å"S’s† like me w ere considered to be stable and shy types. We are the ones who disliked changes. We can survive doing the same job consistently. This was also seen with my ENFJ profile that showed handled consistency well. I am also a people-pleaser. I value secured surroundings in relation to my stable behavior.   I was also evaluates to be forgiving, while others were said to take advantage of it. Since I seem to like to please other people all the time, this made it difficult for me to say â€Å"no† to friends. I always look forward to opportunities to help others.While this can be perceived as weakness, in another perspective from the Book of Psalms, it said, â€Å"But the meek will inherit the land and enjoy great peace† (Psalm 37:11 NIV).This is Me  The assessment for my â€Å"This is me† evaluation was C/I/S. This area referred to how I responded according to how I felt and thought during times wherein I was under pressure. It was my unguarded behavior. C/I/S meant c ompetent, influencing specialists.Similar to the â€Å"this is expected of me† evaluation, I was evaluated to have a liking for doing things right, in impressing others and in stabilizing situations. I was not seen to be aggressive no pushy. I was also shown to enjoy crowds, regardless of size. I was also evaluated to be good with people with high regard for quality. I also seen the high regard y personality type had for what others thinks of myself and my work.I was also observed to lack some determination and dominance. While I can perform tasks well, I was said to need quicker decision-making skills. My capability to work and do great things with people was mentioned in relation to the fact that I needed to become more self-motivated and assertive. Sincere and enthusiastic approvals as well as logical explanations were things that were said to stimulate me.Discovered Communication Style and PersonalitySpiritual Gifts. I discovered the spiritual gifts I had in relation to m y communication style and personality. They were considered as supernatural motivations that were given to every believer. As everyone did not have exactly the same communication style and personality, spiritual gifts also differed. They usually reflect in the personality, behavior and communication style of the individual.The top spiritual gift I had was mercy. This was the gift the enables a person to demonstrate genuine concern and sensitive to suffering. There are a certain something in me that compel me to reduce the pain in other people. There is more concern for me for the person hurting that for the reasons of their suffering.Another gift that was seen in me was the gift of serving, ministry or the helps. This gift was seen to help others and be motivated by serving behind the scenes. Such gift enables me to do things that no one else likes to do. It also enables me to be flexible and to adapt to challenges.Administration did not go far behind and it was related as it is the gift that gives the strong sense of duty as well. This gift was seen to concentrate on team participation. People with this gift see the bigger picture and keeps everyone on track. They were also seen to delegate tasks and to be very organized.Leadership Style. I was considered to be an â€Å"I† leader. This referred to leaders who were inspiring and enthusiastic. Since â€Å"I† stood for influence, the kind of leader that I was evaluated to be was one who loved to lead and influence others. Such leaders were seen to be great presenters. They were also seen to have the tendency to talk too much.They were seen to need to listen more and not be too sensitive to rejection. However, â€Å"I† leaders were also positively considered to be impressive and positive leaders. While the kind of leader I was classified loved to be in crowds, there was also a need for me to be interested in individuals.Follower Style. The â€Å"I† followers have a tendency to follow t heir hearts. They were seen to be impulsive as followers. They also want and need opportunities wherein they would be noticed and would look good. Even as followers, they were seen to carry a certain degree of influence.They need constant approvals. It was attributed to their high egos. They also make good first impressions. The influences they inherently possess often turn them into leaders who rise up to the top. Such followers can have a difficult time simply being in follower roles as they have a tendency to lead.Conflict Resolution by FujishinAccording to Fujishin, one must evaluate his or her own interpersonal styles. This effort would enable the individual to understand one’s self (Fujishin 1997). This leads to self- acceptances that have a significant impact in how one accepts others. This factors holds a critical role in the success of group related communication and work.He upheld how important it was to know one’s self and be familiar with it before entering in any communication that involves other people, especially in a group. Since time was already taken in the examination of one’s own self and weaknesses, there is little need for the individual to look towards the approval of other people in the group in order to function well (Fujishin 1997).Self-assessment was also important when it came to conflict management. When one already knew one’s self, there is more time attributed to examining and discussing the problem. It also equips the individuals to listen actively to the other people within the group in conflict. Irrelevant discussions would be avoided.Fujishin’s principles on conflict management provided for effective tools and strategies that could guide and direct group discussion in a very effective manner. The he had promoted self-awareness could also be used in professional and personal affairs under conflict. He quoted Emerson regarding this saying, â€Å"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us†Controlling Communication and Behavioral BlendIt was pointed out that I needed to increase my confidence in terms of how what others expect of me ( 2007). I have to speak out more often and avoid being abused because of my tendency to please people all the time. I also needed to be more outgoing and assertive. I had to grasp the fact that security was possible ( 2007).I found the importance of being cautious when it came to being judgmental ( 2007). As I believed that others have rights the same as I had, they also had the right to be judged for who they were and not for first impressions or other superficial criteria.I also had to avoid being bitter and harboring resentment. It may have come from my tendency to be oversensitive. I had to learn to just be thankful for everything and see things in a positive and constructive light.I also learned about the utilization of my communication s kills and behavioral blends in relation to developing my Spiritual Gifts. The sign of true development was the maturity and involvement I had in the Body of Christ ( 2007).They were to be seen as combinations that helped to understand how the unique blends that I had discovered through the evaluations were related to the role I had to play in doing God’s Work. The Word of God exhorts this truth, â€Å"So it is with you. Since you are eager to have spiritual gifts, try to excel in gifts that build up the church† (1 Corinthians 14:12, NIV).God never makes mistakes and creates the gift in each individual in order to work for His glory ( 2007). I also realized how such natural and supernatural qualities could get out of hand when I don’t use them for God’s glory. It would be best if God was the one to control them and for everyone to submit their own personalities, styles, and gifting to God’s will.My highest spiritual gif ts were those of mercy, serving, and administration. I tend to constantly volunteer for the works of the Church, even if they have no hint of glamour in them.Overusing such gifts make me seek for approval or please people more than pleasing God.   Since my highest personality profile plotting was â€Å"I† this makes me more of a leader than a follower. Abuse of this personality type would make me overpower people in leadership and make me less of a team player.It was an evident match that I had mercy as my serving as one of the top spiritual gifts because my personality was one who aimed to please people and to do jobs consistently.This was intended for service because of the fact that I can be good with people and influence them well.   While I saw that I was expected to be more passive, I realized that my behavior and Spiritual Gifts had given me the capacity to be active and people-oriented. Despite the fact that I did not want to be in the spotlight, I still wanted to serve people. I realized how I also wanted to receive approval for the things that I do. I needed to be more secured with the job I was doing.Leadership needed qualities like humility, development, commitment, focus, compassion, integrity, peacemaking, and endurance (Hastings & Potter 2004). Based on the results of the evaluation, I had these qualities; more in some than the others. Commitment, focus, compassion and endurance were those that would stand out with my behavior and personality.Compassion, my highest value as seen with my Spiritual gifting and behavioral type, should be reflected in communication. It’s not merely about delivering the message but in doing so in the best possible and effective manner that forges relationships that were based on trust (Hastings & Potter 2004).Genuine concern and love has always reflected Jesus Christ. It is something that can be foundational in the way I would hone my gifts and control my behavior. The Scripture said, â€Å"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort† (2 Corinthians 1:3, NIV). This assessment provided significant insights into my behavior and communication styles. Most of them, I already knew I had possessed. However, this activity enabled me to see them in a new light. It gave me a look as to how I had been misusing my gifts as well as how I was not able to control my behavior because of certain personality types I had.I agree with the results of this evaluation as they described me as accurately as can be. I also saw how my behavior had been related to closely to the Spiritual Gifts that I was bestowed with. It was enlightening because it showed how specific God had made me in line with how He wanted to use me in the work He cut out for me; â€Å"For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do† (Ephesians 2:10, NIV).Evaluation of Activity EffectivenessOverall, this assignment had been more than helpful in developing self-awareness in a person. As Fujishin stressed, self-awareness p layed an important factor when it came to group dynamics as it enables the person to focus on the group instead on one’s self because there is already security that came from this value.The activity enabled me to realize my strengths and uniqueness in order to use them for the benefit of my development as well as for the contributions I could provide for God’s work. This activity also establishes a stronger sense of purpose.ReferencesCombining 7 Spiritual Gifts with 4 (DISC) personality types.† (2007), R. (1997). Discovering the leader within. USA: Acada Book.Hastings, W. & Potter, R.(2004).   Trust me: Developing a leadership style people will follow. Canada: Waterbrook.International Bible Society (1984). The Holy Bible New International Version. USA: Zondervan,

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