Saturday, September 7, 2019

Investigation on how the language used in comedy affects the public's Essay

Investigation on how the language used in comedy affects the public's opinion of the comedian (comedians being investigated are Frankie Boyle and Kevin Bridges) - Essay Example Another important point to note is that comedy, in most cases, utilizes the attributes of the actors allegorically to represent the physical world (Robinson, 2008 p7). Comedians Kelvin Bridge and Frankie Boyle both leading comedians but each unique in their own style will be analyzed to show on how language used in comedy affects the public opinion of the comedian. Frankie Boyle is a Scottish comedian commonly known for his pessimistic and controversial sense of humor. On the other hand, Kelvin Bridge uses more culturally correct humor. In October 2008, Frankie Boyle made a joke about the Queen about her age and part of her body, which led to the Conservative MP David Davies, saying that the joke was â€Å"disgracefully foul comment.† Frankie Boyle was on it again in his 2010 tour when he made a joke about people with Down syndrome offending a member of the audience whose daughter had Down syndrome. Frankie Boyle refused to apologize and his comments were considered downright bullying. Frankie Boyle made a joke about Prices heavily disabled son Harvey during Frankie Boyle’s Tramadol Nights. Boyle made a joke that was sexual and derogatory, leading both Katie Price and Peter Andre condemning Frankie Boyle’s line of jokes. Frankie Boyle also made a joke on Olympic swimmer Rebecca Adlington that was considered offensive. In the joke, Boyle says that Rebecca Adlington looks like someone who is looking at herself in the back of a spoon. In addition, made sexual comments about the gold medalists’ love life, saying Adlington’s boyfriend looked like a male model continuing to say that from he had deduced is that Adlington is very dirty. On April 2010, the BBC was forced to apologize for a joke made by Boyle on a Radio 4 panel show. The made jokes on the Israeli-Palestine conflict. He likened Palestine to a cake being

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